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Dental Crowns – Somerville, NJ

A Premium Solution for Damaged or Decayed Teeth

a patient smiling while visiting her dentist

Dental crowns have several different uses, but many of them involve restoring or reinforcing a damaged, decayed, or otherwise compromised tooth. These restorations are designed to be durable and practical, allowing patients to use their teeth as originally intended; with a crown, you’ll be able to bite, chew, and speak with ease, in addition to enjoying improved oral health moving forward. To learn more about dental crowns and how they offer a premium solution for restoring damaged or decayed teeth, give our Somerville office a call today!

Why Choose Somerset Dental Arts for Dental Crowns?

  • Numerous High-Quality Materials to Choose From
  • Talented Dentist with Several Years of Experience
  • Insurance Accepted and Financing Options Available

What is a Dental Crown?

a closeup of metal-free dental crowns

Dental crowns, also sometimes called caps, are designed to cover damaged or decayed teeth that pose a threat to the patient’s oral health. They can even be used to replace missing teeth in some situations. These restorations are customized not just to fit over your existing teeth, but also to fit properly with your existing bite. They look natural and are incredibly durable, and many patients forget that they’re wearing one in the first place. Here at Somerset Dental Arts, we’re excited to offer high-quality crowns made from durable, beautiful materials including porcelain, gold, and metal-fused-to-porcelain.

The Dental Crown Process

a 3d illustration of dental crown placement

When you come in for your appointment, Dr. DiGrazia will discuss your smile goals with you as she examines your mouth; she’ll be able to quickly determine if a dental crown will be able to help. Typically, a crown can be placed in just two appointments. The first step involves slightly altering the shape of the tooth so that the crown will have enough room to fit over it without affecting the adjacent teeth. Next, impressions are taken of the tooth to ensure that your permanent restoration looks and feels exactly like your natural teeth. These impressions are sent to a special lab and used to manufacture your crown, and in the meantime, your tooth will wear a temporary crown. Once the permanent one is ready, it replaces the temporary one and is cemented in place.

The Benefits of Getting a Dental Crown

a patient smiling after receiving a dental crown

There are several benefits that patients gain access to when they receive a dental crown, including:

  • They often prevent the need for teeth to be extracted, which is almost always the preferred outcome in modern dentistry.
  • Dental crowns can improve your ability to bite and chew all kinds of food, leading to a more varied and healthier diet.
  • Crowns are capable of lasting for 10 or more years under ideal circumstances, and they don’t require any specialized care or maintenance.
  • Since they can be made to look exactly like natural teeth, a patient will experience a massive boost to their self-esteem by restoring a damaged tooth with a crown.
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